Should i store refresh token in database

Should i store refresh token in database. Depending on how your application stores and uses refresh tokens, the old refresh token from the first login might become obsolete, and your application will most likely use the new refresh tokens if both tokens are issued with the same audience. authentication session-management Sep 30, 2018 · Refresh tokens are one of those technologies where the practice and the theory don't match, in my experience. QUESTION Jan 23, 2020 · Now I am facing the following problem : If one of the said web application wanted to refresh their token instead of going through the whole code flow again, they would need to store a refresh token somewhere in the backend, where it is secured. In this article, we’ll delve into the role of each token, their… May 22, 2012 · But with refresh tokens, a system admin can revoke access by simply deleting the refresh token identifier from the database so once the system requests new access token using the deleted refresh token, the Authorization Server will reject this request because the refresh token is no longer available (we’ll come into this with more details). One of the main motivations behind the JWT pattern was to eliminate the need to persist session state in the server. Secondly, it is easier to detect if refresh token is compromised. The user's credentials are validated against the users array, and if they are valid, an access token and a refresh token are generated. A2: yes, hence refresh token should not be stored on client side; Jul 17, 2023 · The token will only be used by back-end processes. If validation is successful the user id from the token is returned, and the authenticated user object is attached to the HttpContext. Therefore in my startup. Mar 8, 2022 · I'm not using an identity provider. As a side project, I'm creating an app which interacts with an api to pull data daily. This threat is applicable if the authorization server stores refresh tokens as handles in a database. I tend to not store the JWT string and instead store the claims used to construct the JWT, which will save a ton of room in the database. This token should contain ONLY authentication information such as a userId and probably a sessionId. ValidateToken() method. By identifying an invalid refresh token usage, whether by a genuine client or an attacker, the authorization server can discover a breach caused by a compromised refresh token. They are not passed along with API requests or used to authenticate users directly. – 5 days ago · The problem JWT aims to solve. []. Typically the stored 'token' will be a hash rather than the real value, and will be linked to the application (client_id) and user (subject). The OAuth 2. The token expires in 1 month, so I also need to store a refresh token and refresh it periodically with a scheduled task; For the foreseeable future, all the code will live in a single managed virtual server. Store the encryption key in localstorage. Add the third instance method: Apr 30, 2020 · The refresh route accepts both the old access token and refresh token, as well as some other request information (client id and IP), and as long as the refresh token exists in the database and is not expired, is assumed to be valid to grant the user a new access token (which is generated using the payload of the old token) before itself being Refresh tokens and access tokens are both part of a normal web browser authentication flow. Hope it will help you. data? Jan 24, 2022 · The custom JWT middleware extracts the JWT token from the request Authorization header (if there is one) and validates it with the jwtUtils. As the refresh token is stored in DB (you probably missed that part) it can be invalidated at any time, for example, for a banned user. Oct 7, 2021 · You Can Store Refresh Token In Local Storage. May 3, 2022 · If you store a refresh token per user and an user tries to log in on a new device, its previous device will be automatically logged out as soon as its access token expires. 2)sql server database. 5. 1)using cookies. You may have heard before (maybe from us) that we should not store tokens in local storage. TL;DR . Usually you would want to store a „user must reauthenticate“ bit in the database and check that if your issue a new access token with a valid refresh token. 1. (Bonus, encrypt the tokens with a key that is generated and stored on the mobile app. Sep 23, 2021 · When the token has expired, the client sends the refresh-token to get the new access-token, then the server checks if the refresh-token is in the database, then generates a new token. When we have refresh token rotation in place, we can store tokens in local storage or browser memory. The access token is stored in memory, and the refresh token is stored in HttpOnly cookies. It could be a relational or non-relational database. Jun 14, 2021 · We store refresh tokens in our database. So, a JWT token would look like the following: [header]. Dec 8, 2020 · We call this store a white list of refresh tokens. Jul 8, 2023 · Hashing refresh tokens before storing (or retrieving) is recommended both to prevent a compromise of this database from leaking valid tokens and to prevent string comparison timing attacks; assuming the refresh tokens are cryptographically secure random strings (as they should be!), a single unsalted round of a fast secure hash like the SHA2 or Feb 19, 2023 · The /login route is where the user logs in and receives both an access token and a refresh token. In theory, you make a login request, and get back an access token (with a short lifetime) and a refresh token (which has either a long expiry period, no expiry, and can be used to get a new access token at any point). @gouessej it won't as the 2nd part of the article proposed that the website should store a refresh token on the browser. But a bit more performent because you are just making the request when access token expires. access token has expire time about 10 to 15 minutes. Instead, the session state is maintained in the JWT tokens themselves. Regarding the question about how to store the token in the client application, I think that you could keep it in memory (map or embedded database). Mar 21, 2021 · The AS should then store refresh tokens for you, in a database table that might be named 'delegations'. For the apps that you will develop, you can follow the suggestions from the answer I linked to, that is: Store the refreshtoken in LocalStorage; Store the encrypted refreshtoken somewhere on the file system, using an API provided by Android/IOS. A solution for this is to encrypt the data before is saved into the database and decrypt it each time you need to access it. After the user is authenticated, the Authorization Server will return an access_token and a refresh_token. That's because I'm using in-memory version of the persisted grant store. Web api then need to store access token and refresh token in temporary storage like cookie or session. which one is the better way to store tokens from above? May 20, 2021 · however, in order to prevent XSS, it seems that in the case of access tokens, cookies should be used to protect them (+ httponly applied), and in the case of refresh tokens, it seems that they should be stored in the client. Apr 13, 2022 · Storing of Refresh Tokens should be in long-term safe storage: Long-term Use durable storage like a database. When you need to deactivate tokens just generate new value for refreshId in db. Just keep in consideration that your refresh token storage should survive server restarts. when ever this access token expire. When a user receives an idToken/refreshToken pair, the refresh token will always be stored in Redis. Store your tokens in a DB. The cookie needs to be encrypted and have a maximum size of 4 KB. If your app needs to call APIs on behalf of the user, access tokens and (optionally) refresh tokens are needed. In all of the tutorials we must decalre a method with the name like "GenerateAuthResultAsync()" that gets called on registration and on login and writes a refresh token object data to our DB. First, you need to determine if storing the fully encoded JWT is the correct solution. Considering in-memory storage doesn't work due to its volatile nature. May 11, 2022 · How to make the refresh token life long valid and issue a new refresh token each time a new refresh_token grant_type comes in spring security oauth2 8 IdentityServer4 - How to store refresh token into database using mysql. Mar 14, 2017 · Then every time when you validate token you should check the token's "age". Some (or all) of the stores may be implemented as tries or hash tables. The access token has a short expiry time of 1 minute, while the refresh token has a longer expiry time of 30 days. What you have to consider is it possible to transport all required infomation the resource servers need to fullfill deliver the requested resources within the token in a secure way. Refresh token Feb 10, 2016 · If the database is compromised, the tokens are safe. Feb 19, 2023 · Refresh tokens are more secure than storing credentials on a device or browser, as they can be revoked by the authentication server at any time. The server will store a hashed version of this token in the database with the user. Should I store my JWT in local storage? Most people tend to store their JWTs in the local storage of the web Apr 15, 2016 · As with anything else, the answer is "it depends". After one hour all tokens will be Sep 19, 2022 · I am thinking about how to store the refresh token. The token is validated in NestJS, so I thought that it was necessary to store it in MySQL or Redis. Tokens issued might have these lifetimes: Refresh token: 4 hours; Access token: 30 minutes; 2. Refresh tokens should also have a means of revocation if the user's session is Jul 21, 2020 · Step 1: Return Access Token and Refresh Token when the user is authenticated. That's why refresh token exists, so the user can logout removing the refresh token from your database, and in few minutes the access token will expired. It turns out that authentication isn’t easy to implement securely. We can now generate and store the refresh token in the database. After submitting a one time password, the backend will issue a token (random UUID v4 string) for the mobile app to use as authentication on subsequent requests. But this means that your Auth provider should return a new refresh token every time that the client refreshes a JWT. Jan 18, 2019 · When it comes to authentication using OAuth 2. The user's access token to the api expires after an hour but I can use a refresh token to send a request to the api and refresh the access token. Refresh tokens are usually kept separate from access tokens and are only used to obtain new access tokens. Once a refresh token is verified, you then fetch the session, fetch the user and issue a new access token. Without a refresh token, your access token should have a big life time so the user doesn't need to login every 5 minutes. So the answer to that problem is the Refresh token. Because authorization codes are meant to be short-lived and single-use []" So why not store the access_token and the refresh_token ? – Apr 20, 2022 · What is refresh token? A refresh token is nothing but a access token but it has life time about 1 or 2 months. And if you remove the refresh token from the scheme and store an access token in DB then you need to check it with every request. Note: We store a hashed version of the refresh token in the database which is a security practice to prevent changing users' password should the database be compromised. Everytime the access token expires, the client send the refresh token to /refresh for new pair of tokens, the old pair of tokens would then be replaced by the new pair in the database. That includes the webserver, the cronjob, any configuration, etc. Apr 11, 2020 · The final token is a concatenation of the base64 data of the above, delimited by a period. In the case users log out and in again with the same device, a new refresh token is issued. Assume the system follows the "typical" approach: when user authenticates or refreshes: he gets a new refresh token; refresh token is just an opque value, e. And it should also have a way of invalidating descendant refresh tokens if one refresh token is attempted to be used a second time. The access_token will be included in the Response body and the refresh_token will be included in the cookie. The difference is that an access token is generally built to be quickly and frequently used - by using cryptography, your server doesn't need to go to the database on every single request to check it out, which makes it much easier to scale out to large numbers of machines. Otherwise to finish, I don't think that it's a good idea to use cookies in such use case. If it older than one hour you should load data from DB and check refreshId value and create new token with current "iat" value and send it to mobile device. [payload]. if the refresh token is sent in a cookie with the httponly option, isn't it accessible from the client? in conclusion I would like to store this access token for a long time and so I am using a database to do so. Nov 24, 2023 · OAuth 2. You still avoid hitting the database with the short Mar 18, 2024 · Reauthentication is required since there is no way to tell if the refresh token is coming from a reliable source. – Ideally, you should not even have to store your access or refresh tokens in any database. We want to make sure that authenticating the token takes as little time as possible. I'm using node, express, mongo db and react. Keeping refresh token in database nearly same think as this. Jul 18, 2022 · When the access token expires I sent the refresh token in the request to get a new access token but I cannot understand where to store the refresh token. Threat: Obtaining Refresh Token from Authorization Server Database. Jun 20, 2017 · The OAuth 2. Dec 28, 2019 · Refresh tokens should be encrypted in storage. As a result, on login a new refresh token gets generated, as Mar 29, 2020 · One of the standard JWT claims (RFC 7519 §4. when mobile app call something and get jwt-expired HTTP 401 in return, it will call /refresh-token API and get the new access token. Nov 15, 2017 · IdentityServer logs is the following when my native app ask for a new access token: "refresh_token" grant with value: "{value}" not found in store. 0 Threat Model and Security Considerations RFC goes into this: 4. When access token is expired; you need to make a call for a new tokens, which will update the previous refresh token in the DB. I have implemented all scenarios like register user, login etc but now trying to implement refresh token flow( where access token get expired, client need to get replaced access token using refresh token) . user id in the refresh token must be compared to the one in the db. You can use only refresh token (and not access token) to communicate with authorization server. NET Identity( built in with database tables). It will be useful in implementing a log out from all devices feature as seen later in the blog. Since they're longer-lived they need a solid, server-as-source-of-truth, per-user validation/invalidation strategy (or else the nuclear option is the only option and they don't really serve a purpose - very bad idea). g. May 30, 2023 · We store the refresh token in the DB. Yes, you read that right. This is because the authorization server keeps the old May 30, 2018 · I'm trying to implement Jwt Token Based Authentication on top of ASP. we don't ask user to login again to get new access token instead we send refresh token to the server here we verify that token and send new access token to the client. Should store it in my database because once the httpOnly cookie expires, there will be no way to get that back. with this method user don't Nov 15, 2021 · So my problem is how do you get/store the access token so that the client will not have to make a request to the server each time the user does something on the Jul 23, 2023 · I intend to store both access token and refresh token in localStorage and also in database for invalidating them if needed. Refresh Token cookie setup: Nov 24, 2018 · But I have no idea where should I store access tokens? What I want to do? 1)After login store the token. (Oauth2. That's why refresh tokens exists. When the access token expires, a "silent refresh" is sent to the backend with the refresh token. Dec 8, 2023 · What happens when users login to multiple devices or when they logout, is it necessary to revoke the refresh token? I tried to create a table that contains 2 column (user_id, refresh_token) So How to store refresh token in database when user log out, or when users login to many devices. ) If the request to the 3rd party API is directly from the mobile app, store the access token on the phone, encrypted with a unique key for each user stored in your server's database. Whenever you use refresh token to obtain access token reset the refresh token as well. Sep 17, 2015 · A1: access token has a much shorter time-to-live than refresh token, you may store refresh token in local storage or even other secure storage on server side; for access token, both web storage and local storage are fine; storing access token in cookie does not make much sense. a random buffer; a hash of it is stored in the database; the client is a SPA Jan 1, 2015 · But you don't right about refresh tokens being redundant. 0 spec recommends a maximum lifetime of 10 minutes, but in practice, most services set the expiration much shorter, around 30-60 seconds. I have a small system with access and refresh tokens and it works well. TOKEN Jul 28, 2019 · Revocation is a bit more difficult with stateless tokens because the token itself stays valid even though you want to revoke it. Jun 12, 2019 · Now, api will generate access tokens and refresh token and the save refresh token to that DB. This mitigates the risk of refresh token getting compromised. cs I added the following line:. Whenever a user navigate to another page or reopen the website, javascript will use this refresh token to exchange for a fresh authentication token. [signature] Now, let’s explore which is the best way to store a JWT token. Jan 14, 2023 · In the AppUser class, add a new ICollection property for the refresh tokens: public class AppUser: IdentityUser { public ICollection<RefreshToken> RefreshTokens { get; set; } } This allows us to access all the refresh tokens of a user. Jun 12, 2015 · If you are using a Token base Authentication as described in the linked/mentioned web page there is no necessarity to store the token in a database. Apr 14, 2015 · When the token expires, you simply need to get a new one from a service "refresh token". But since the refresh-token must be generated by the server, cannot be tampered with, and we can also check if it has expired, why do we need to store it. My struggle comes into play with login requests. I know two ways. Items collection to make it accessible within the scope of the current request. if refresh token is expired, user is logged out Jul 3, 2017 · If a token happens to match an item in the in-app blacklist (because its first few bytes match), then move on to do an extra lookup on the redis store, then the persistent store if need be. Aug 26, 2019 · If your Auth provider implements refresh token rotation, you can store them in local storage. If you include a unique identifier in your refresh token, then it's enough to store the "jti" and "exp" (expiration) claims in the database. 0 has this feature, you can let the refresh token unchanged too, but it's wise in terms of security perspective to keep it changing and updating the DB) Hope this gives some insights!! store refresh token in user table user id, first_name, last_name, refresh_token, email 3. Later on, we'll add a token refresh route and logic to our application. Mar 12, 2019 · By saying that i mean, you can check database if token exists and valid, also by deleting the token from database, you are invaliding the token since we are relying on database. So I need to store refresh token in a PersistedGrant table. 0, the JWT access token and / or refresh token need to be stored somewhere in the client device, so that once the user authenticates himself by providing login credentials, he doesn't need to provide his credentials again to navigate through the website. Generating and Storing the Refresh Token. Oct 29, 2014 · That's something I've came across in a couple articles about OAuth 2: when it comes to persisting refresh tokens to database some authors prefer to store access token as well, or at least mention it as something you should do. I’ve made many web projects with simple hand-written authentication processes, where I just store the user’s identifier and password as plain JSON strings in JavaScript localStorage and pass them to any region of my application that needs authenticated access. Jul 24, 2022 · Let me try to explain my answer — when a new access token is generated (at the time of sign in/signup or using a refresh token) — a new refresh token should also be generated (this is called refresh token rotation), and all the previous refresh tokens must be deleted. 7) is "jti", which is a unique identifier for the token. In this case, the user already has a refresh token, which is required to get a new idToken. 0, a widely adopted protocol for securing APIs, relies on two key components: access tokens and refresh tokens. These can be stored server-side or in a session cookie. Jul 14, 2021 · The 'jti' attribute of the refresh token is stored in a table on the database, along with its expiry date. 2)if user want to access any method of web api, check the token is valid for this user,if valid then give access. Refresh tokens should require a trip to the database for this exact reason. 2. If we save, we should be able to identify mul Jan 14, 2014 · You should store the refreshtoken in a secure place. sgrf akyre rffotevj rtykb ujdxfpml gfb rmhpeo ximjsr zxcmf vdjcwg